Interview 2015

In 2014, I was extensively interviewed about my research and my contributions to the foundations of the field of Social Semiotics. The discussion covered my work from the 1980s to the present, with particular emphasis on my connections with Michael Halliday and the Sydney School of social-functional linguistics, discourse analysis, and multimedia semiotics and digital media. The videotapes were edited and the draft interview sent for my corrections before publication in the volume Social Semiotics: Key Figures, New Directions, which also included interviews with Jim Martin, Theo van Leeuwen, Gunter Kress, and Christian Matthiessen.

The interiews and videotaping were conducted by Eva Maagerø and Elise Seip Tønnessen, and they edited the volume together with Thomas Hestbaek Andersen and Morten Boeriis. The volume was published by Routledge in 2015. The link below is to a pre-publication draft of the interview report, which contains substantially the same information as the published version (without pagination).

Chapter 6: Jay Lemke